
华体会hth首页 >> 华体会hth新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 华体会hth-云南省交通规划设计研究院有限公司(以下简称公司),前身为云南省交通规划设计研究院,成立于1956年1月,是云南省交通投资建设集团有限公司的二级公司,于2018年6月改制为有限公司。 公司本着“立足云






华体会hth-云南省交通规划设计研究院有限公司(以下简称公司),前身为云南省交通规划设计研究院,成立于1956年1月,是云南省交通投资建设集团有限公司的二级公司,于2018年6月改制为有限公司。 公司本着“立足云

作者:华体会hth 发布时间:2023-11-01 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文云南省交通计划设计研究院有限公司(以下简称公司),前身为云南省交通计划设计研究院,成立在1956年1月,是云南省交通投资扶植团体有限公司的二级公司,在2018年6月改制为有限公司。 公司本着“安身云放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2022-05-16来历:云南省交通计划设计研究院有限公司(以下简称公司),前身为云南阅读次数:95焦点提醒:云南省交通计划设计研究院有限公司(以下简称公司),前身为云南省交通计划设计研究院,成立在1956年1月,是云南省交通投资扶植团体有限公司的二级公司,在2018年6月改制为有限公司。公司本着“安身云南、面向全国、走向世界”经营方针,以公路、市政、建筑、水运、科研、咨询为支持,积极拓展上下流财产链,根基构成了集综合计划咨询、前期研究、投融资、勘测设计、科研立异、项目治理、工程总承包为一体的营业结构,具有完成投资额在800亿元以上的交通根本扶植项目设计能力,营业广泛全国十多个省分和南亚、东南亚、非洲多个中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事 中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事


公司本着 安身云南、面向全国、走向世界 经营方针,以公路、市政、建筑、水运、科研、咨询为支持,积极拓展上下流财产链,根基构成了集综合计划咨询、前期研究、投融资、勘测设计、科研立异、项目治理、工程总承包为一体的营业结构,具有完成投资额在800亿元以上的交通根本扶植项目设计能力,营业广泛全国十多个省分和南亚、东南亚、非洲多个国度。



绘全国,通途有我!公司全部员工将不辱任务,继续以果断实干的精力、鼎新立异的思惟、勤恳执着的工作和热忱优良的办事,为实现 百大哥店 的企业梦披荆斩棘,阔步前行!


Initially established in January 1956, Broadvision Engineering Consultants Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to BEC ) is now the secondary company of Yunnan Communications Investment Construction Group Co. Ltd., owing to the provincial enterprise restructuring in June, 2018.

In line with the operation policy of Based in Yunnan, Oriented to China and Heading for World , supported by the business in highway construction, municipal works, architecture, water transport, scientific research and consulting services, BEC actively expands the business related to the upstream and downstream industry chain, thus forming an integrated business layout of comprehensive planning, preliminary research, project investment financing, survey design, scientific innovation, project management and lump-sum contract. We have the design ability of over 80 billion yuan in terms of transport infrastructure investment and our business has expanded to more than ten provinces in China and even foreign countries in the South Asia, the Southeast Asia and Africa.

Besides the thirteen Class A qualifications in comprehensive engineering investigation, engineering surveying, design of highway industry, design of municipal works, architectural design, landscaping design and engineering consultancy, BEC also has eleven Class B qualifications in design of municipal works, petrochemical pharmaceutical industries, environmental engineering design, water transport, engineering consul�����hth.txttancy and engineering surveying. Meanwhile BEC has qualification certificates such as soil erosion control scheme, environmental pollution treatment, labor service of engineering investigation surveying, class-A audit of municipal construction design, design of special equipment, China-Aid project management. BEC has obtained the National Management System of Quality, Environment and Occupational Health.

BEC has won the May lstLabor Medal, and many other awards such as the National Integrity Unit of Survey Design, the National Excellent Institute of Survey Design, the National Outstanding Unit of Cultural Building in Transport Sector, the Advanced Collective by the Ministry of Transport, the Provincial Enterprise of Outstanding Contributions, the Provincial High-Tech Enterprise and the Provincial Civilized Unit. The past 60 years witnessed BEC was honored with over 90 National or Provincial Prizes for Progress in Science Technology, more than 180 National or Provincial Awards of Excellent Survey, Excellent Design High Quality Projects, in addition to over 70 patents and software copyrights.

Adhering to the Enterprise Mission of Design the Country to a Thoroughfare by us , all staff in our company will make best efforts to work hard, innovatively and tenaciously with full work enthusiasm so as to fulfill our assignments. We are striding forward to realize the Enterprise Dream of Century-Old Enterprise .

We are willing to provide high-quality consulting services for you!

地址:云南省昆明市官渡区拓东路石家巷9号 德律风:0871-63162371


上一篇:华体会hth-武汉黛盟环境科技有限公司成立于2021年03月17日,注册地位于湖北省武汉市黄陂区罗汉寺街研子社区57号一楼,法定代表人为刘鹏程。经营范围包括许可项目:城市生活垃圾经营性服务;各类工程建设活动;肥料生 下一篇:华体会hth-中电建路桥集团有限公司(简称: 中电建路桥集团)成立于2006年,隶属世界500强企业中国电力建设集团有限公司。作为中国电建专业从事基础设施业务的资源整合平台、模式创新平台、资本创新平台、业务协同平台