
华体会hth首页 >> 华体会hth新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 华体会hth-中信环境技术有限公司(以下简称“中信环境技术”)是中信集团控股企业,是中信集团在水务及环保领域拓展的旗舰平台







作者:华体会hth 发布时间:2023-11-29 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文中信情况手艺有限公司(以下简称“中信情况手艺”)是中信团体控股企业,是中信团体在水务和环保范畴拓展的旗舰平台放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2021-01-05来历:中信情况手艺有限公司阅读次数:145焦点提醒:中信情况手艺有限公司(以下简称“中信情况手艺”)是中信团体控股企业,是中信团体在水务和环保范畴拓展的旗舰平台中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事 中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事中信情况手艺有限公司(以下简称 中信情况手艺 )是中信团体控股企业,是中信团体在水务和环保范畴拓展的旗舰平台。


中信情况手艺秉持 手艺立异、高效务实、价值缔造、共生双赢 的焦点价值不雅,颠末多年的稳健成长,凭仗本身在水处置范畴全财产链的营业模式和一流的膜产物和进步前辈的手艺工艺,堆集了丰硕的环保水务投资、扶植、运行治理经验和事迹,缔造了多个行业第一。中信情况手艺按照当前环保财产成长需要,阐扬本身本钱、手艺、人材、治理等诸多优势,营业规模已涵盖膜制造、水处置、危废处置、轮回经济财产园和流域治理等五年夜营业板块。



中信情况手艺经由过程不竭拓宽环保财产范畴,从膜制造、水处置成长到流域治理、危废固废处置、轮回经济财产园等,致力在为客户供给一体化的情况治理整体解决方案,实现人平易近期望 望得见青山,看得见绿水,记得住乡愁 的漂亮中国梦。


中信情况手艺在寻求成长的同时,也积极践行企业社会责任,支援汶川灾后重建、江苏新农村扶植、连援贫苦村人蓄饮水工程、 世界情况日,我为小河做体检 公益科普勾当、珠江流域守望者、四川凉山州一村一幼中心厨房、江西赣州小寨村扶贫攻坚等项目。




3.焦点价值不雅:手艺立异 高效务实 价值缔造 共生双赢

我们崇尚 手艺立异 ,在新加坡、中国成立膜制造和手艺利用研发中间,具有世界一流的膜手艺专家和研发团队,致力在进步前辈膜利用手艺的研发,不竭推陈出新,连结业界领先程度。 手艺立异 也让我们从一家默默无闻的公司,成长成在引领中国甚至世界膜手艺利用与成长的环保领军企业。

我们寻求 高效务实 ,我们深谙现代企业治理素质是寻求高效,同时我们也秉持了中国文化重视实际、崇尚实干精力,踏踏实实做好每项工程。从中国第一个石化污水双膜回用项目 中石化广州污水回用项目,到中国第一个全地下式市政污水MBR项目 广州京溪地下清水厂,再到首创中国污水处置厂提标扩容革新手艺先河项目 成都三四五八污水厂提标革新项目,我们力图每个项目,每次摸索,每次冲破,都成为情况治理行业的新典型。

我们苦守 价值缔造 ,我们始终认为企业经营的方针是缔造价值。作为一家以立异为驱动力的企业,我们始终致力在追求更好的贸易模式、办事体例、更好的手艺解决方案,超出自我、立异朝上进步,为股东、投资者缔造更年夜收益,为员工缔造更好的成长空间,为客户缔造超出等候的产物与办事,为国度经济成长和社会繁华不变作出进献。

我们等候实现 共生双赢 ,这是我们不懈尽力寻求的标的目的。共生是手段,双赢为成果。由于共生,所以可以或许缔造和同享更多新的可能。经由过程共生双赢,我们才能冲破现有营业范畴边界,跨界联手更多范畴的优异合作火伴,打破贸易模式局限,将浩繁分离和隐性的价值点联系关系起来,发掘更广漠的贸易成长机缘。致力在打造有机向上、空间无穷、互为赋能的 共生体 , 缔造更多新的可能,为人类修建加倍宜居的生态情况。

Management Team

Mr Hao WeibaoExecutive Chairman andGroup Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Hao is the President and Vice Chairman of CITIC Environment Investment Group Co Ltd.

As Executive Chairman and Group CEO of CEL, he is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company and the effective implementation of corporate strategies and policies. Before joining the CITIC Group in 2008, he worked at Sinopec for over 14 years, where he gained a wide range of valuable experience in the fields of investment, finance and international trade. During his employment with Sinopec, he worked overseas for over 10 years, taking management and leadership positions in different offices worldwide. Mr. Hao holds a Bachelor degree of Economics, with honours, from the Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, and an MBA degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mr Tan HuchuanGroup Chief Operating Officer

Mr Tan is responsible for the operations, strategic direction and overall effectiveness of the Group. He is a key member of the Investment Committee and also oversees the procurement and bidding unit. He is concurrently responsible for the strategic planning, operations, engineering solution and business development for Business Unit 3 of the Group. Mr Tan holds a Bachelor degree in Petrochemical Storage and Distribution from the Harbin Commerce University, PRC.

Dr Ge HailinCEO Manufacturing

Dr Ge is responsible for the manufacturing, R D, marketing and operations of the membrane division of the Group. Dr Ge has many years of R D experience in conducting polymer, membrane materials and chemical engineering. Dr Ge graduated from Wuxi Institute of Light Industry, China in 1977 and obtained his Master in Chemical Engineering from East China University of Science and�����hth.txt Technology, China in 1982. He was awarded a scholarship by Wollongong University, Australia to undertake his PhD study in chemistry and obtained his PhD in 1990.

Mr Steven Qian ZhengjunDeputy CEOGeneral ManagerEngineering Management Center

Mr Qian is responsible for the strategic planning, operations, engineering solution and business development forEngineering Management Center of the Group. Prior to joining CITIC Envirotech, he worked as an engineer at Sinopec Baling branch and project manager at a water treatment engineering company in Shenzhen. He has more than fifteen years of experience in engineering, procurement and construction of water related projects. Mr Qian holds a Bachelor degree in Material Science and Engineering, specializing in corrosion prevention, from Tianjin University. He is a certified and licensed legal counsel in China.

Dr FangyueGeneral ManagerHazardous waste Operation management Center

Dr Fang Yue is responsible for the strategic planning, operations, engineering solution and business development for Hazardous waste Operation management Center. Prior to joining the Company, Dr Fang worked as General Manager of Veolia Environmental Services Industrial Pte Ltd, Singapore, for 18 years. He was in charge of the management of technical and operational issues, development of new technologies on hazardous waste treatment and provided technical support for industrial projects for local and Asian industries. He graduated with a Master Degree in Applied Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology and obtained his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Fudan University.

Mr Ngoo Lin FongChief Financial Officer

Mr. Ngoo is responsible for the financial management, planning, operations and reporting functions of the Group. He oversees the Group s finance, investments, budgeting and cost management as well as charts the Group s overall financing strategies. Prior to joining the Company, he worked for Deloitte Touche as an audit manager. Mr. Ngoo worked with the Company since 2004 as the Group Financial Controller and was promoted to the position of Chief Financial Officer in 2008. He has more than 20 years of financial and accounting experience and holds a Masters degree in Applied Finance and a Bachelor of Business Degree (Accountancy). He is a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and CPA Australia.

Dr Jerry LiuChief Technology Officer

Dr Liu oversees the Technology and Application Centre and is responsible for membrane technology application, process design, R D and project management for the Group. Dr Liu specializes in environmental engineering, particularly in water and wastewater treatment. His expertise covers a wide range of applications such as water treatment, industrial wastewater management, water reclamation, desalination and industrial process water treatment. He graduated from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore with a PH.D in Environmental Engineering.

上一篇:华体会hth-中信环境投资集团有限公司(以下简称“中信环境”)是中国中信有限公司的全资子公司,注册资本40亿元人民币。 下一篇:华体会hth-深圳德尔科机电环保科技有限公司是一家专业致力于为工业客户提供“绿色工厂”系统解决方案的国家高新技术企业。致力于污泥干化,低温污泥干化,余热污泥干化,除湿热泵污泥干化,污泥干化机,污泥烘干,污泥干燥,