
华体会hth首页 >> 华体会hth新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 华体会hth-江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司(原江苏省水利勘测设计院)成立于1957年,2004年改制转企,由社会法人股、自然人股东和内部职工持股会共同出资组建,是国内同行业省级勘察设计单位中,较早进行产权制度改







作者:华体会hth 发布时间:2023-10-14 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司(原江苏省水利勘测设计院)成立在1957年,2004年改制转企,由社会法人股、天然人股东和内部职工持股会配合出资组建,是国内同业业省级勘测设计单元中,较早进行产权轨制改放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2022-05-17来历:江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司(原江苏省水利勘测设计院)成阅读次数:98焦点提醒:江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司(原江苏省水利勘测设计院)成立在1957年,2004年改制转企,由社会法人股、天然人股东和内部职工持股会配合出资组建,是国内同业业省级勘测设计单元中,较早进行产权轨制鼎新,实施股权多元化的科技型现代企业。公司具有水利行业工程设计、工程咨询、工程造价咨询、水文与水资本查询拜访评价、水土连结方案编制、扶植项目水资本论证、工程监理等7项国度甲级天资和水运行业工程设计、建筑行业工程设计、市政行业专业工程设计、水土连结监测、工程勘测等5项国度乙级天资,和电力行业专业工程设计丙级天资和工中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事



公司历来正视人材培育、科技前进和产物质量。现有各类专业手艺人员250多人,此中高级职称以上人员150名(研究员级高级工程师30名),具有各类注册执业资历的手艺人员140多人次。1985年以来前后具有国度首批设计巨匠1人、中国工程院院士1人,多人次取得享受当局非凡补助和省有凸起进献中青年专家称号。据不完全统计,2004年改制以来,公司前后荣获国度、部(省)级嘉奖100多项,此中取得优异工程设计奖金奖1项;获全国优异水利工程勘测设计奖金质奖1项、银质奖5项、铜质奖2项;获江苏省优异工程设计一等奖4项;获全省优异水利工程勘协设计奖一等奖6项。公司承当设计的 淮河入海水道近期工程 获新中国成立60周年100项经典暨精品工程、新中国成立70周年优异勘测设计和中河山木匠程鲁班奖、詹天助奖,其河流工程、滨海和海口关键工程获全国优异工程设计金质奖。公司取得国度科学手艺前进奖二等奖1项;江苏省科学手艺一等奖6项;年夜禹水利科学手艺一等奖2项;中国机械工业科学手艺奖一等奖1项;中国产学研合作立异功效一等奖1项;中国年夜坝工程学会科技前进奖特等奖1项。公司现具有专利76项,此中发现专利7项、适用新型专利69项,具有软件著作权34项。

公司前后取得江苏省 开辟苏北有功单元 、江苏省总工会 五一劳动奖状 、江苏省工商行政治理局 守合同重信誉 企业、江苏省勘测设计行业优异企业、中国农林水利工会 全国水利系统协调企事业单元 、中华全国总工会 榜样职工之家 、中国水利水电勘测设计协会 设计和咨询AAA级信誉企业 、国务院南水北调工程扶植委员会办公室 南水北调东中线一期工程建成通水进步前辈集体 、水利部 南水北调工程计划设计进步前辈集体 和 全国水利系统勘测设计进步前辈集体 等声誉称号。

公司对峙科学成长不雅和 节水优先、空间平衡、系统治理、两手发力 治水思绪,以 缔造品质,设计将来 的企业焦点理念提倡全部员工,发扬 献身、负责、求实 的水利精力,鼎新立异,奋力前行,打造精品,争创一流,以杰出的诺言、优良的设计办事社会,安身江苏,面向世界,积极介入 一带一路 扶植,为国平易近经济可延续成长做出新进献。

Introduction (JSWI)

Jiangsu Surveying and Desig�����hth.txtn Institute of Water Resources Co., Ltd.(originally named Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Conservancy) was established in 1957,In 2004, it was transformed from state-owned enterprise to joint-stock enterprise(its shareholders are comprised of social legal person, natural person, and internal staff),it is among the first of the enterprises that have realized the changing of ownership systems. Till now, it has 7 class A qualifications in water engineering design, engineering consultation, consultation of engineering cost, hydrology and water resources investigation assessment, soil and water conservation scheme preparation, water resources appraisal in construction project, and engineering project supervising. The corporation also has 5 class B qualifications in water transportation, architectural design, municipal engineering design, environmental assessment of construction project engineering investigation and surveying. In addition it has the class C qualification in electrical engineering design as well as the qualification for engineering bidding agent. In 2000, it passed the assessment of conformity of standard quality system(ISO9001). In 2014, it was graded as the technology-intensive enterprise. The company is a national civilized unit and excellent water conservancy enterprise.

The corporation s major business scope mainly includes the planning, designing, consultation of water constructions in Huai River basin, the Yangtze River basin and other regions in Jiangsu province. More specifically, the design of many large pumping stations, sluices, reservoirs, locks, bridges, culverts, docks, industrial and civil building, the supervision of engineering construction and a dozen of projects to help developing foreign countries. Besides, the corporation participated or took charge in compiling design specifications and regulations such as Design Specification for Sluice,Design Code for Pumping Station andDesign Specification for Hydraulic Retaining Wall. It leads nationally in the planning of hydraulic constructions in plain regions with concentrated river networks, the treatment of the soft foundation and in the design of low-head sluices and low-head pumping stations. Recently the corporation is undertaking the design of the following projects: South to North Water diversion(east line Jiangsu Section), Discharging Huai River water to the Yellow Sea, Discharging Huai River water to the Yangtze River, Discharging Huai River water to the New Yi River, levee reinforcement of Hongze Lake, Discharging Yi-Shu-Si River water to the New Yi River and the New Shu River, extension of Tongyu River northward, comprehensive regulation and water improvement in Tai Lake, regulation of important river basins, and numerous dock and wharf designs in Jiangsu and other provinces. Our team is professional and innovative, capable of providing reliable technical support for the national and provincial water conservancy projects, an indispensable organization for realizing the modernization of the Jiangsu water conservancy construction.

The corporation always attaches great importance to technological advancement, improvement of design quality and cultivation of technical talents. Till now, among its more than 200 technical personnel, 24 are professors of engineering; 124 are senior engineers, and more than 120 have registered technical professional licenses of all kinds. Since 1985, our company had 1 national master of design, 1 academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and numerous young experts with excellent contributions and special provincial allowances. Since 1982 the corporation has been awarded more than 100 national, ministerial or provincial awards, including 4 gold medals and 2 bronze medals of national excellent project design, 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal, two bronze medals of the Ministry of Water Resources, as well as 6 first prizes, 9 second prizes of Jiangsu excellent project design.The project of discharging Huai River water to the Yellow Sea was awarded as one of 100 classical projects of the 60 anniversary of new China, it s also been awarded Luban Prize, Zantianyou Prize, The design of river course and design of Binhai water conservancy key project and Haikou water conservancy key project were awarded national gold medals of excellent project design.After the corporation s restructuring, it continued to achieve numerous awards, such as second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award,4 first prizes and 3 third prizes of Provincial Technology award, 3 first prizes of ministerial technology award, and 2 first prizes of Water Resource Ministry. Besides, the corporation has up to now 24 patents, 2 of them are invention patents, the others are utility patents. Last but not least, it also has 7 software copyrights.

The company was awarded Outstanding units for developing the north of Jiangsu by the provincial government, May day labor certificate by the provincial labor union, Enterprise of excellent credit and contract compliance by the administrative bureau for industry and commerce, Excellent enterprise of construction surveying and design, Harmonious enterprise in the water resource system by the national labor union of agriculture, water resources and forest, Home of the Normal Staff by the national union, AAA credit enterprise in design and consulting by national water resource surveying and design committee, advanced group in the first stage of the water transferring project from the south to the north in the eastern and mid line by the national office of water transferring construction, advanced group in surveying and design of water transferring construction projection and national advanced group of surveying and design in water resource system by the Ministry of Water Resources, etc.

The corporation will stick to the scientific outlook on development, follow the thought of water saving, geological balancing, systematic managing, bi-lateral collaboration , inspire by the core value of create quality design for the future , develop the spirit of devotion, responsibility and truth-seeking , reform by innovation, push forward with full force, create excellent projects, strive for the first-class , serve the society with reliable credibility and high quality design service, make new and sustainable development not only for Jiangsu but also for the nation as well. And make new contributions for the construction of The Belt and Road Initiatives .

地址:扬州市吉安路209号吉安年夜厦一号楼 邮编:225127

Add: No.209 Ji'an Lu, Yangzhou 225127 China

德律风:++86 514 87860111

Tel: ++86 514 87860111

传真:++86 514 87889101

Fax: ++86 514 87889101



上一篇:华体会hth-鄱阳湖生态系统中的主要问题与调控对策 闵 骞1 谭国良 2 卢 兵3 邢久生1 胡立萍4 (1江西省鄱阳湖水文局 江西九江 332800;2江西省水文局 江西南昌330002; 3 江西省九江市 下一篇:华体会hth-近14亿重庆万盛水环境综合治理PPP项目开工 长江环保集团上游有限公司副总经理王丰、三峡绿色发展有限公司重庆分公司总经理秦青松、中国安能集团科工有限公司副总经理刘立栋等出席活动。