
华体会hth首页 >> 华体会hth新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 华体会hth-中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司(简称中铁设计)始建于1953年2月,前身是铁道部专业设计院,2004年7月改制重组,注册为现名。是集工程规划、勘察、设计、咨询、总承包、监理、产品和科研开发于一体的特大型







作者:华体会hth 发布时间:2023-10-15 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文中铁工程设计咨询团体有限公司(简称中铁设计)始建在1953年2月,前身是铁道部专业设计院,2004年7月改制重组,注册为现名。是集工程计划、勘测、设计、咨询、总承包、监理、产物和科研开辟在一体的特年夜型放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2022-05-17来历: 中铁工程设计咨询团体有限公司(简称中铁设计)始建在1953阅读次数:95焦点提醒: 中铁工程设计咨询团体有限公司(简称中铁设计)始建在1953年2月,前身是铁道部专业设计院,2004年7月改制重组,注册为现名。是集工程计划、勘测、设计、咨询、总承包、监理、产物和科研开辟在一体的特年夜型综合勘测设计咨询企业,是世界500强企业--中国中铁股分有限公司的控股子公司,注册本钱7.3亿元人平易近币。2017年5月,作为国务院国资委中心企业首批十户员工持股试点企业之一,中铁设计以增资扩股体例成功完成了员工持股和同步夹杂所有制鼎新。中国中铁股分有限公司控股,中铁设计主干员工、2家计谋投资者参股。中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中铁工程设计咨询团体有限公司(简称中铁设计)始建在1953年2月,前身是铁道部专业设计院,2004年7月改制重组,注册为现名。是集工程计划、勘测、设计、咨询、总承包、监理、产物和科研开辟在一体的特年夜型综合勘测设计咨询企业,是世界500强企业--中国中铁股分有限公司的控股子公司,注册本钱7.3亿元人平易近币。2017年5月,作为国务院国资委中心企业首批十户员工持股试点企业之一,中铁设计以增资扩股体例成功完成了员工持股和同步夹杂所有制鼎新。中国中铁股分有限公司控股,中铁设计主干员工、2家计谋投资者参股。

中铁设计持有涵盖21个行业的工程设计综合甲级天资,同时还具有工程勘测综合、咨询、城乡计划编制等十余项甲级天资,具有商务部核准的对外工程承包经营权,获得了ISO9001质量治理系统、ISO14001情况治理系统和GB/T28001-2011职业健康平安治理系统认证证书。是北京市科学手艺委员会认定的国度高新手艺企业和北京市设计立异中间。是北京市经济和信息化局认定的北京市企业手艺中间。2016年成立了院士专家工作站和中国中铁 中国单轨交通成长研究中间 。




中铁设计重视科技立异,持有有用专利263项,此中发现专利80项、适用新型181项、外不雅2项;软件著作权17项;累计主编和参编工程扶植国度尺度17项、行业尺度规范117项;累计编制铁路尺度图占全路已完成的80%,此中道岔和桥梁专业近90%;所承当的勘测、设计、咨询、科研等项目中获国度级奖146项,省部级奖1242项;作为首要加入单元完成的 青藏铁路工程 获国度科技前进特等奖、 铁路年夜型养路机械成套设备手艺与利用 获国度科技前进二等奖;作为第一单元完成的 高速铁路尺度梁桥手艺与利用 获国度科技前进二等奖、 高速铁路经常使用跨度梁手艺 获中国铁道学会科学手艺奖特等奖。主办全国科技期刊《铁道尺度设计》和《铁道勘测》。

中铁设计前后荣获 全国优异勘测设计企业 、 全国勘测设计行业诚信单元 、 全国立异型企业 、 首都文明单元 、 全国工程勘测与岩土行业首届企业文化扶植进步前辈单元 等声誉称号。

中铁设计以 奉献精品、改良平易近生 为企业任务,秉持 诚信敬业、共建同享 的企业焦点价值不雅,苦守 立异创效、优良成长 的企业主旨,宏扬 勇在逾越、寻求出色 的企业精力,诚信守誉,开辟立异,与客户配合实现科学成长,为实现 国内领先、世界一流 的企业愿景而不懈尽力!


China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co.,Ltd.

Brief Introduction

China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called CREDC), the former Professional Design Institute of Ministry of Railway,was founded in February 1953 and restructured and renamed as China Railway Engineer�����hth.txting Design and Consulting Group (CREDC) on July 1, 2004.CREDC is a large comprehensive survey and design group specializing in project planning, engineering survey, design, consultancy, construction supervision, EPC contracting, technology and railway related products research and development. CREDC is the key subsidiary of the Fortune Global 500 listed enterprise China Railway Group Limited (a.k.a. China Railway Engineering Corporation, CREC) with a registered capital of RMB 730 million. In May of 2017, with the approval of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), CREDC became one of first ten SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) as the example for public private mix ownership reform; CREDC expanded the equity and reformed the stockholding structure while CREC still remains the controlling position, and the key employees and two investors became the shareholder.

CREDC holds the comprehensive Grade A certificate for 21 engineering disciplines, more than 10 Grade A qualification certificates including comprehensive engineering survey and design, consultancy, urban and rural planning and etc. ratified by the government authorities, and was authorized by the Ministry of Commerce to contract overseas projects. It has passed the authentication of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, and GB/T28001-2011 occupational health and safety management system. It is the High and New Tech Enterprise affirmed by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and also one of the key High and New Tech Enterprises of National Torch Plan. In 2016, the CREC China Monorail Transportation R D Center and Academician Expert Workstation were established by CREDC.

CREDC has 13 professional branches in Beijing, 3 comprehensive branches in Ji nan, Zhengzhou, and Taiyuan respectively, 6 wholly-owned subsidiaries and 3 holding subsidiaries engaged in engineering supervision, geotechnical engineering, engineering testing, engineering consulting, construction planning and rail transit etc., CREDC has branch institutes in 30 provinces or cities in China.

There are nearly 3000 staffs working in CREDC and its subsidiaries, CREDC boasts for having 1 Survey Master, 1 Design Master, 121 professorate senior engineers, 97 experts and outstanding talents enjoying government subsidy, 1151 senior engineers, and over 812 registered engineers.

The service provided by CREDC covers the infrastructure of railway, urban rail transit system, highway and motorway, municipal, building, mining metallurgy and relative products or technology research and development, CREDC provide project planning, survey, design, consulting, EPC contracting, general contracting, investment, project management, construction supervision, project post evaluation, operation management service and other service related project implementation. CREDC being keep the leading position for the technology for railway standardize design, aerial survey and remote sensing, high-speed railway bridge, high-speed railway turnout, track system of urban metro and straddle type monorail system.

CREDC attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation. Currently CREDC holds 263 effective patents which including 80 invention patents, 181 new utility patent, 2 appearance patent and 17 software copyrights. CREDC had hosted or participated 17 national standards and 117 professional standards compilation, contributed 80% railway standardized drawings which covered 90% of Turnout Bridge standardized drawings. CREDC has been awarded 146 national prizes and 1242 ministerial or provincial prizes for the achievements in engineering survey, design, consultancy, and scientific research and development. As the one of the main participator of Qinghai-Tibet Railway Project, CREDC was awarded Grand Prize for National Science and Technology Progress. As the main developer of Large-scale Track Maintenance Equipment Technology and its Application , CREDC was awarded Second Prize for National Science and Technology Progress. As the primary participator, CREDC was awarded Second Prize for National Science and Technology Progress for High-speed Railway Standard Girder Bridge Technology and its Application , Grand Prize for Science and Technology of China Railway Society for Common Span Bridge Girder Technology for High-speed Railways . CREDC sponsors National Science and Technology Periodicals Railway Standard Design and Railway Survey .

CREDC holds the honorable titles such as The National Excellent Survey Design Firm , The National Survey Design Integrity Firm , The National Innovative Firm , Capital Civilization Firm , The Excellent Enterprise Culture Firm of China Engineering Survey And Geological Investigation etc.

CREDC set the enterprise mission as Dedication to Excellent Products for People s Better Life , adhering the enterprise core value as Honest and Professionalism, Co-building and Sharing , practice the company business philosophy of Excellence, Devotion , carry forward the enterprise spirit of Brave to Overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence , CREDC willing to develop innovation and realize scientific development with customers, continuously endure working on realize our enterprise vision Leading in China and First-class in the World .

上一篇:华体会hth-浙江省工程咨询有限公司成立于1987年,总部设立于杭州,是浙江省内最早开展工程咨询、项目全过程管理的综合性工程咨询龙头企业,原隶属于浙江省发展规划研究院,是浙江省发改委管理的骨干企业。2017年4月, 下一篇:华体会hth-山东省水利勘测设计院有限公司(简称“山东水设”)前身为1956年10月成立的山东省水利勘测设计院,原隶属于省水利厅。2020年1月,经山东省人民政府批准,转企改制为山东省国资委直接监管的国有一级企业,