
华体会hth首页 >> 华体会hth新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 华体会hth-倒置A2/O+A/O工艺用于某城市污水厂二期扩建工程 作者:刘加强1, 张建昆1, 李 莹1, 韦帮森2(1.徐州工程学院 环境工程学院, 江苏 徐州 221111; 2.徐州市市政设计院有限公司






华体会hth-倒置A2/O+A/O工艺用于某城市污水厂二期扩建工程 作者:刘加强1, 张建昆1, 李 莹1, 韦帮森2(1.徐州工程学院 环境工程学院, 江苏 徐州 221111; 2.徐州市市政设计院有限公司

作者:华体会hth 发布时间:2024-01-06 点击:843

[1]刘增强,张建昆,李 莹,等.颠倒A2/O+A/O工艺用在某城市污水厂二期扩建工程[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(22):55-58. LIU Jia-qiang,ZHANG Jian-kun,LI Ying,et al.Application of Reversed A2/O+A/O Process in the Second-phase Extension Project of a Municipal WastewaterTreatment Plant[J].China Water Wastewater,2018,34(22):55-58.点击复制颠倒A2/O+A/O工艺用在某城市污水厂二期扩建工程中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第34卷期数:2018年22期页码:55-58栏目:设 计 经 验出书日期:2018-11-17Title:Application of Reversed A2/O+A/O Process in the Second-phase Extension Project of a Municipal WastewaterTreatment Plant文章编号:1000-4602(2018)22-0055-04作者:刘增强1, 张建昆1, 李 莹1, 韦帮�����hth.txt森2(1.徐州工程学院 情况工程学院, 江苏 徐州 221111; 2.徐州市市政设计院有限公司,江苏 徐州 221002)Author(s):LIU Jia-qiang1, ZHANG Jian-kun1, LI Ying1, WEI Bang-sen2(1. School of Environmental Engineering, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221111, China; 2. Xuzhou Municipal Engineering Design Institute Co. Ltd., Xuzhou 221002, China)要害词:颠倒A2/O;A/O;脱氮除磷Keywords:reversed A2/O;A/O;nitrogen and phosphorous removal分类号:TU992.3文献标记码:C摘要:某城市污水处置厂一期设计范围为2 104m3/d,采取传统A2/O工艺,出水水质很难到达《城镇污水处置厂污染物排放尺度》(GB 18918 2002)一级A尺度。二期扩建工程设计范围为3 104m3/d,在总结一期工程运行经验根本上,提出颠倒A2/O+A/O工艺,并辅以化学除磷和接触过滤等深度净化处置工艺,确保出水不变达标排放。二期扩建工程投入运营后,出水COD、SS、氨氮、TP平均浓度别离为34.5、7.8、3.8、0.34 mg/L,不变到达一级A排放尺度。Abstract:The first-phase design capacity of a wastewater treatment plant was 2 104m3/d. With the traditional A2/O process, the effluent quality was very difficult to meet the first class A criteria specified in theDischarge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant(GB 18918-2002). The design capacity of second-phase extension project was 3 104m3/d, on the basis of operation experience of the first-phase project, the combination process of reversed A2/O+AO followed by the advanced treatment process of chemical phosphorous removal and contact filtration were adopted in ensure the stable effluent quality. After second-phase extension project was put into operation, the effluent concentrations of COD, SS, ammonia nitrogen, TP were 34.5 mg/L, 7.8 mg/L, 3.8 mg/L, 0.34 mg/L, respectively, and all effluent indexes could meet the first level A criteria.

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基金项目: 徐州工程学院校研课题(XKY2016230); 住房和城乡扶植部项目(00730091、2010-k7-4)作者简介:刘增强(1986- ), 男, 山东五莲人, 硕士, 工程师, 首要从事给水排水方面的讲授与设计工作, 曾获2016年省会乡扶植系统优异勘测设计三等奖。 E-mail:liujiaqiangsdjz@126.com收稿日期:2018-06-25

更新日期/Last Update:2018-12-10

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